experimental works

i come from a fine arts background, originally studying animation and digital art at the school of the art institute of chicago before pivoting to studying informatics and human computer interaction with a graphic design cognate at indiana university. this is a collection of work from my time studying fine arts at both universities.

my interest in the human condition, which ultimately led me to user experience design, is present throughout my works with unifying themes of psychology and conditioning.


these glitched images from my childhood represent how both memories and files can be fragmented and tainted over time. each of these images were glitched by me by hand, by manipulating the code the images are comprised of. 

discomfort (2013)

discomfort is about the words that make us cringe.

i surveyed a number of people in my online network regarding words that they couldn’t stand to hear or say. i then laid their faces under the words they chose.

in rapid succession, their discomfort becomes that of the viewer.

nostalgia (2016)

nostalgia is a collection of 3d modeled assets and found imagery meant to illustrate the uncanny nature of our relationship to the past.

memories are unreliable. over time, our recollection of a situation, a person, even an object can change.

i depicted low-resolution versions of objects from my childhood environment - the tile floor of my mother’s kitchen, the little tikes furniture, the yellowed CRT monitor - alongside imagery inspired by old computer interfaces and the vaporwave aesthetic, which itself is commentary on the rapid pace of technological advancement, and the degradation and commodification of the past.

smile more (2016)

smile more is a pair of GIF images constructed around the concept of identity and the many factors that make up who we are.

the images are an amalgamation of photos of me, my artwork and humans and animals who i love.

the result is uncomfortable to look at; at the time, i was questioning many factors of my identity, primarily gender, and felt such dissonance within myself.

yum! (2016)

yum! was created for a motion assignment in my typography courses. it is just meant to emulate the popular retro game ‘snake’ using the letter o.

it does not have a psychological theme or deeper meaning like the rest of my work shown here.

i just put it here because it’s fun :)

thanks for taking a look at my experimental work!